A love letter
Ballet is an art form in which a mass of bodies is trained to move in exact synchrony and perfect harmony. Every dancer mirrors the other, impeccable control turns them into one. But a body cannot be controlled it generates ‘errors’, stimuli, idiosyncrasy. I’m drawn to those unharmonious chords that interrupt the ideal of the symphony. With my work i rebels against the
normative idea of beauty, which aims to make a unified whole from a mulititude of diverse bodies. I rebels against an invisible authority, a social dicipline that a times manifests itself concretely, but more often is latent and orchestrates behavior almost imperceptibly. Especially because i want to highlight the beauty of those out-of-the-tone details: the corporeal, the exceptional, the particular.
normative idea of beauty, which aims to make a unified whole from a mulititude of diverse bodies. I rebels against an invisible authority, a social dicipline that a times manifests itself concretely, but more often is latent and orchestrates behavior almost imperceptibly. Especially because i want to highlight the beauty of those out-of-the-tone details: the corporeal, the exceptional, the particular.
Ewan McSorley
Halla Einarsdóttir
Send me an email to see the video of this project

Video of a love story - Note: email me if you would like to see the performance
Photography: Poke Monse, Charlott Markus & Sasha Kulak